Well, since we are HALF WAY through this amazing journey, we decided to start sharing the many exciting things we are experiencing!!! But first, let us catch you up to speed.............................
Back in October, I began noticing that my bedtime changed from about 10pm to around 7pm! I was absolutely worn out and had no interest in being out of the house (which most of you know is NOT like me at all)!! I am a night owl and knew something was off. I chalked it up to being so busy with cheerleading, work, and the many other things that consumed my life!!! One Thursday night after peprally practice, I was going to join the girls for a few drinks but decided I better try out a pregnancy test, "Just to make sure im NOT!" John was in the shower when this journey began............The pregnancy test quickly turned positive and I quickly turned white as a ghost!!!! I was in total shock because "It is NEVER positive!!!!! This was just to make sure!!!!!!!!" I waited in the bedroom until John got out of the shower and had the test waiting on his pillow (yes I look back now and realize that this was probably the WRONG place to put a USED pregnancy test......OOPS! The prego stupidity had already set in)!!!
John looks at it and says, "Well good that makes me happy!" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? THATS ALL YOU ARE GOING TO SAY??????? I needed more confirmation than just one pregnancy test.......So, like every other first time postive pregnancy test person, I hauled butt to HEB and bought several more!!! I got home and they all say POSITIVE!!! Naturally I dont get any sleep that night and know that this is going to be a journey!!!!
It has been super exciting to tell everyone that they will be aunts, uncles, grandparents, psuedo aunts and uncles, etc! Everyone has been so supportive and we feel so much love!!! Of course during the 1st Trimester we were a nervous wreck just waiting to get to that 12 week point!! I call the one person I trust with prenatal care to take on the Urbanek Family!!! Kellie Turner has been my life saver!!! Being a first time Mom, I have had many questions, concerns, scary thoughts etc etc etc!!!! And don't think for a second that Kellie has not answered ever one of them or made me feel so much better about it all!!!!!! I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF SHE HAS STARTED CHARGING MY INSURANCE FOR STUPID QUESTIONS OR TEXT MESSAGES WHEN SHE IS NOT AT WORK!!!!!!!
I got to have a sonogram to see Baby U (as he was referred to until we found out it was a he) and it was at that point that it was all so very real!!!!!
With each appointment we get to hear the heartbeat and that makes everything in our hearts stop!!!!!!!!!! The sound of our baby's heartbeat is nothing we could ever explain!!! John and I smile from ear to ear and wait impatiently for every appointment!!! I have been known to call Kellie and sneak in early in the morning just to hear the hearbeat!!!!!!!
A few weeks ago we got to go in for the anatomy scan and to HOPEFULLY find out if we were going to decorate in PINK or BLUE!!!! The game was on among the Facebook friends and family!!! What were the Urbaneks going to have??? What were they going to name it???? We gave initials SGU for a boy and AKU for a girl but never told what they stood for!!!! Finally the day came and we were told that BABY U WOULD WEAR BLUE!!!!!
His name is Slayte Garrison Urbanek!!! There is no rhyme or reason to his name!!! We both liked the two names Slayte and Garrison so we decided to combine them (actually Slayte's Daddy did.......what a smart Dad)!!!
Slaytes room has been a work in progress. It very much reflects his daddy!!! It is going to be the many variations of browns, kahki, tans, off white, red etc!!! Very rustic/vintage (or that is what the website called it)!!
As of right now, right this very second, he is having a party in mommy's belly!!!! He is an active little boy and I love every second of it!!!
As for me.....I have been so lucky. NO sickness to speak of.......I love candy and ice cream now (and did NOT before) and I still eat the spiciest of foods!!! So far so good folks!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!!! I am emotional from time to time and seem to really miss John right now since he is going to be gone for 2 weeks in NM!!!! Baby Slayte and I miss him very much!!!
John and I have been so blessed to be able to have this experience in our lives! It is by the grace of God that we will be parents to one of his creations!!!!
Stay tuned for more updates on Baby U aka Baby Slayte!!
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